JR Casuals
We take iconic Newfoundland sayings, original Newfoundland & Labrador artwork, local screen printing/embroidering partners and create wearable pieces that reflect Newfoundland culture in the wittiest of ways. See something you like that's sold out? Call 709-722-7477 or email info@johnnyruth.com . We'll get your name on a special order and notify you as soon as it arrives!
Cod Stamp T-Shirt
From $30
Beaumont Hamel Stamp T-Shirt
From $30
Dog Stamp T-Shirt
From $30
Rocker T-Shirt
From $30
Best Kind Sweatshirt
From $49.95
Free NFLD T-Shirt
From $30
Onward Thru the Fog Hoodie
From $49.95
Beaumont Hamel Hoodie
From $49.95
Dory T-Shirt
From $30
Dog Stamp Sweatshirt
From $49.95
Fighting Newfoundlander Stamp Hoodie
From $49.95
Dory Hoodie
From $49.95
Signal Hill Star Sweatshirt
From $49.95
Dog Stamp Hoodie
From $49.95